Nuevo artículo sobre relaciones interamericanas

Mi nuevo artículo con Sebastián Bitar de la Universidad de los Andes acaba de salir en la Revista CIDOB d’affers Internationals, una de las más reconocidas publicaciones de Relaciones Internacionales en España. Entitulado “Del consenso a la complejidad: relaciones interamericanas diversas y en transición”, el trabajo explora el panorama cambiante de las relaciones entre los Estados Unidos y América Latina. Forma parte de un número especial, con una variedad de contribuciones sobre la geopolítica vista desde América Latina, coordinado por Ariel Sribman Mittelman y Mélany Barragán.

Desde la crisis financiera de 2008, la política internacional ha sido alterada por una mayor difusión de recursos económicos y capacidades militares. Ello, para muchos, constituye una transformación radical que puede ser el fin de la hegemonía estadounidense en América Latina. Este artículo examina esta proposición comenzando por revisar el concepto de hegemonía que, en lugar de verse como una característica estructural, aquí se conceptualiza como una «hegemonía matizada», es decir, una red de relaciones asimétricas y jerárquicas. En este sentido, se observa no una sola transformación, sino la emergencia de un contexto hemisférico que vendría definido por la «asimetría diferenciada». Estados Unidos aún ocupa una posición central, pero su política exterior está marcada por la fragmentación subregional y la externalización de prioridades electorales. Al respecto, se exploran sus efectos a nivel subregional con un enfoque en las oportunidades y los desafíos que ello supone para los países latinoamericanos.

El artículo está disponible libremente en este enlace.

Article in FP: Does Monroe still matter?

As the Monroe Doctrine marks 200 years since it was first enunciated, the time-worn US policy is back in the news. In a new article in Foreign Policy magazine, PAIS’s Carsten-Andreas Schulz and I examine the many meanings of the Monroe Doctrine and argue that it provides a poor guide for US-Latin American relations today. The article draws on their joint AHRC-funded project, “Latin America and the peripheral origins of nineteenth century international order.”

“The Monroe Doctrine is experiencing a resurgence. As it hits its 200th anniversary this month, this time-hallowed foreign-policy principle—which declares that Washington will oppose political and military incursions into the Western Hemisphere by powers outside of it—is once again at the forefront of political debates in the United States.

Republican presidential candidates such as Vivek Ramaswamy and Ron DeSantis are calling for the doctrine’s reinvigoration to take aim at China’s growing presence in Latin America and are offering it as a justification for a potential U.S. military attack on criminal organizations in Mexico. They are following the lead of former U.S. President Donald Trump, who hailed Monroe on the floor of the United Nations General Assembly, as well as advisors such as John Bolton and former Secretary of State Rex Tillerson.”

Read the rest at Foreign Policy.

Podcast interview

I joined Mark Leon Goldberg, editor of UN Dispatch, on his podcast Global Dispatches to discuss small states in world politics. I really appreciate his interest in the book and the theme. Mark is an experienced journalist who knows a great deal about world affairs, so it was especially fun to talk with him. “If you overlook small states, you are missing a complete picture of world politics today,” Mark says. I couldn’t have said it better myself!

You can read more about it here, or you can find and subscribe to the podcast on Spotify, iTunes, and other platforms.

Media coverage: Paraguay-Taiwan

Paraguay’s upcoming presidential elections have put the country’s relationship with Taiwan in the spotlight. The leading opposition candidate has said he would reevaluate the choice of diplomatic ties between China or Taiwan. With that happening, there’s been quite a lot of interest in the 2021 Foreign Policy Analysis article that Francisco Urdinez and I wrote: “Status at the Margins: Why Paraguay Recognizes Taiwan and Shuns China.” Links to the coverage below, and thanks so much to all these reporters for reaching out or for reading our research.

Qtd. in Christian Science Monitor, “What Paraguay election means for Taiwan, and US-China competition,” April 28, 2023.

Qtd. in Japan Times, “As Paraguay picks president, ties with Taiwan loom large,” April 28, 2023.

Qtd. in South China Morning Post, “Is Tawain about to lose Paraguay?”, April 23, 2023.

Ctd. in Al Jazeera, “Taiwan in the hot seat,” April 17, 2023.

Ctd. in The Progressive, “The other Americas,” March 2, 2023.

Ctd. in The Diplomat, “The South American election that has Taiwan scrambling,” January 17, 2023.

Book talks

Today (April 25), I will be presenting my recent edited book North America 2.0: Forging a Continental Future alongside my coeditor Alan Bersin at the Mexican Council for International Affairs (Comexi).

Update: a video of the presentation is available here.

We are very pleased to be joined by Shauna Hemingway, Deputy Head of Mission at the Canadian Embassy in Mexico City, as well as Comexi president and Sergio Alcocer, former Mexican Under Secretary of Foreign Relations for North America.

The presentation is being done in person at in Mexico City, although I will be joining online (sadly!). It starts at 10 a.m., CDMX/US Central; 5pm UK. Links for both online and in-person attendance are available via the tweet below. The book is available for a free download via the Woodrow Wilson Center.

I also had the opportunity to present my book, A Small State’s Guide to Influence in World Politics in a class at Georgetown University – Qatar (also virtually, although next time I hope to take up the invitation for a visit!). The students were absolutely great, and we had an engaged discussion of the challenges small states face in their foreign policies. Thanks so much to Prof Rory Miller and Dr Fahad Al-Marri for the invitation. I’ve been thrilled to see the continued interest in the book from across the world.

Books in the news…

As the year comes to a close, a bit of news on my 2022 books.

A Small State’s Guide

A senior fellow at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Jennifer Kavanagh, listed A Small State’s Guide to Influence in World Politics as her “favorite wonky read” [as in policy wonk, or at least I hope!] of 2022. You can find all the fellows’ pick here. Thank you Jennifer!

She wrote: “The New York Times, leading political science journals, and international relations textbooks share one thing in common: they tend to focus on major powers (like the United States, China, India, and Germany) with large economies, powerful militaries, or global geopolitical sway and push aside smaller states (think of Estonia, Nepal, or Bolivia) and their interests.

Tom Long’s A Small State’s Guide to Influence in World Politics does the opposite, recasting small states as protagonist. He suggests that because small states greatly outnumber major powers, students of international relations miss a lot by not carefully considering their independent role.

Long argues that small states can wield meaningful influence and shape the behavior of major powers, but only under specific conditions—for example, where the small state’s preferences are aligned with those of a major power, on issues of high importance to the small state and low importance to the large one, and when small states band together to fill a gap left by major power initiatives. He then offers a range of strategies that small states can use to maximize their influence depending on the context. A set of twenty case studies, instances of small state success and failure across regions and issues, provides the reader with a close-up view of the opportunities and constraints small states face.

The book serves as a reminder that small states not only have agency but also matter a great deal to global outcomes, especially in an increasingly contested world.”

North America 2.0

A second op-ed with Alan Bersin was published last week in the San Diego Union-Tribune.

We write: “Because our societies and economics are so interconnected, investments in building bigger and better North American relationships can pay crucial, needed dividends at home. But what sort of North American agenda can strategically enhance regional competitiveness, while remaining politically viable from standpoints both of implementation and popular acceptance in Canada, Mexico and the United States?”

The piece is entitled, “It’s time for a bigger, better North America” and you can access the whole piece here.

Op-ed in The Hill

I’m happy to see my first piece published in The Hill, co-written with Alan Bersin. The op-ed, “Global challenges, North American solutions,” seeks to animate discussion about why there’s a big, strategic reason for prioritizing cooperation in North America.

We write that, “[T[he next North American Leaders Summit presents a timely opportunity to begin. President Biden ought to arrive in Mexico City with a bold vision for invigorating trilateral cooperation where that is needed and feasible — and for  bolstering U.S. leadership in the world through its broader neighborhood.

“[T]here is no denying any longer the critical importance of Canada and Mexico — and the smaller countries of Central America and the Caribbean basin as well — for the United States’ own security and prosperity. Because our societies and economics are so interconnected, investments in these relationships can pay crucial, needed dividends at home.”

The op-ed draws on and supports our recent edited volume, out now with the Woodrow Wilson Center.

North America 2.0 events

During the first half of November, I had the opportunity to host a coast-to-coast launch for the new book North America 2.0: Forging a Continental Future. I co-edited with book with Alan Bersin, and it was published in collaboration with the Canada and Mexico Institute at the Woodrow Wilson Center and the Belfer Center at Harvard University.

The book is available for free online. The first launch event was held at the Wilson Center in Washington, DC. It was recorded and is available below. We were fortunate to be joined by the Mexican Ambassador to the United States Esteban Moctezuma and the deputy chief of mission of the Canadian Embassy Sara Cohen. You can see their remarks below. The panels included several contributors to the volume, as well as our kind hosts: Christopher Sands of the Canada Institute and Andrew Rudman of the Mexico Institute at Wilson. I talked about North America’s place in a world of regions, and why global currents suggest all three countries should invest in opportunities closer to home.

The second launch event was in San Diego at the North American Forum, a group of policymakers, business leaders, academics, and more who gather annually to reflect on the state of regional integration. The gathering was hosted by the Institute of the Americas and the Global Policy and Strategy School of the University of California, San Diego. I presented the book to the group on Tuesday morning, and then gave a public talk in the afternoon.

I will add the video when it is available, but there is some information on the event available here. Former US Under Secretary of State Tom Shannon offered insightful comments, along with Dean Caroline Freund, Goldy Hyder of the Business Council of Canada, and Ambassador Juan José Gómez Camacho, formerly Mexico’s top diplomat at the United Nations.

Reviews of A Small State’s Guide

Two reviews of my book, A Small State’s Guide to Influence in World Politics, have recently been released. The two reviews were released by journals that have a credible claim to the the oldest international relations journals in the world! The book received a capsule review from Richard Feinberg in the Council on Foreign Relations’ general-audence journal Foreign Affairs. It also was reviewed by Jack Corbett in The Round Table, a journal published by the the international organization, The Commonwealth. The nicest bits below:

Richard Feinberg, Foreign Affairs: “Long persuasively presses his case that smaller states, with creative leadership, can often successfully defend their national interests in contests with bigger ones. He urges his scholarly colleagues to redefine international relations studies by stretching beyond the interactions of great powers to focus on the many smaller states that light up the geopolitical firmament.”

Jack Corbett, The Round Table: “[A]gainst the aims it sets for itself – to outline and demonstrate the significance of a relational approach to the study of small states that starts from the position of asymmetry and is global in coverage – A Small State’s Guide to Influence in World Politics succeeds remarkably. It should be warmly received and become a touchstone text for anybody interested in how the majority of the world’s states engage in international affairs.”

New article in International Organization

My new article, co-authored with Carsten-Andreas Schulz of Cambridge University, has been published by International Organization. IO is perhaps the most prestigious outlet in the field of International Relations, and I’ve dreamed of publishing there since first finishing my PhD. The article, entitled “Compensatory Layering and the Birth of the Multipurpose Multilateral IGO in the Americas,” emerges from our AHRC-funded research on Latin America and the formation of international order. In the piece, we illustrate the innovations that led to the creation of the world’s first multipurpose, multilateral international organization–a form associated with the League of Nations and the United Nations. The first such body was the Pan American Union, which developed between 1890 and 1910 through a series of bargains between the United States and Latin American states. The article builds a bridge between Global International Relations and the study of institutional design, while also advancing institutionalist understanding of the design and development of IOs.

We’re beyond thrilled to see this piece online and eventually in print. We started working on it in mid-2019, initially for a workshop at Johns Hopkins University, and it was a long road with pandemic-related disruptions pushing our revisions back by nearly a year. It’s an honor to be in the pages of International Organization! Abstract below the image.

The Pan American Union building, located just off the national mall in Washington, DC.


International organizations come in many shapes and sizes. Within this institutional gamut, the multipurpose multilateral intergovernmental organization (MMIGO) plays a central role. This institutional form is often traced to the creation of the League of Nations, but in fact the first MMIGO emerged in the Western Hemisphere at the close of the nineteenth century. Originally modeled on a single-issue European public international union, the Commercial Bureau of the American Republics evolved into the multipurpose, multilateral Pan American Union (PAU). Contrary to prominent explanations of institutional genesis, the PAU’s design did not result from functional needs nor from the blueprints of a hegemonic power. Advancing a recent synthesis between historical and rational institutionalism, we argue that the first MMIGO arose through a process of compensatory layering: a mechanism whereby a sequence of bargains over control and scope leads to gradual but transformative institutional change. We expect compensatory layering to occur when an organization is focal, power asymmetries among members of that organization are large, and preferences over institutional design diverge. Our empirical and theoretical contributions demonstrate the value a more global international relations (IR) perspective can bring to the study of institutional design. international relations (IR) scholars have long noted that international organizations provide smaller states with voice opportunities; our account suggests those spaces may be of smaller states’ own making.